Akeiron. Часть 2
Akeiron. Часть 2


Учтя пожелания и привнеся своё, создала я этот пост и клянуся, что старалась. Наслаждайтесь -_-

Seoni's pet tattoo
Seoni's character design by Wayne Reynolds.
Akeiron. Часть 2 
Internal illustration for Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Undead Revisited (PFRPG). ©2011 Paizo Publishing, LLC, all rights reserved.
I want to thank everyone for the faves, watches and kind comments, I'm REALLY flattered. I'm sorry to be very slow answering all messages and thanking you individually but lately I'm very very busy and I can't manage to follow dA as well.
Akeiron. Часть 2


Character for Pathfinder, Carrion Crown 2: Trial of the
Beast. Done in December 2010.
© Paizo Publishing LLC, all rights reserved.

Akeiron. Часть 2


Swamp Monster
Character for Pathfinder, Carrion Crown 2: Trial of the
Beast. Done in December 2010.
© Paizo Publishing LLC, all rights reserved.

Akeiron. Часть 2


Ogre Skeleton
Character for Pathfinder, Carrion Crown 2: Trial of the
Beast. Done in December 2010.
© Paizo Publishing LLC, all rights reserved. 
Akeiron. Часть 2

Shojinawa Ito
Made for Jade Regent -The Empty Throne, Pathfinder. ©Paizo Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.

Akeiron. Часть 2

Shiori Heikkaki
Shiori Heikkaki, Shiko Me. Made for Jade Regent -The Empty Throne, Pathfinder. ©Paizo Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.

Akeiron. Часть 2


Internal illustration for Pathfinder Adventure Path «Jade Regent: The Hungry Storm» by Jason Nelson. ©2011 Paizo Publishing LLC, All rights reserved. 

Akeiron. Часть 2

Wen Kroy
Wen Kroy, king of elves who's been a ranger before…
For «La Ruota del Fato», expansione for RuneQuest II, Italian Edition.
©2010 Asterion Press — All Rights Reserved
Akeiron. Часть 2

Findal Vrinn
Findal Vrinn, half-elf chief of guards of some cult I don't remeber…
For «La Ruota del Fato», expansione for RuneQuest II, Italian Edition.
©2010 Asterion Press — All Rights Reserved

Akeiron. Часть 2


Internal illustration for «La Ruota del Fato», setting handbook for RuneQuest II, Italian Edition.
©2010 Asterio Press — All rights reserved

Akeiron. Часть 2

Internal illustration for RuneQuest II, Italian Edition.
Chapter start «Cults»

Akeiron. Часть 2


Graveknight VS Seelah
Internal illustration for Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Undead Revisited (PFRPG). ©2011 Paizo Publishing, LLC, all rights reserved.
I want to thank everyone for the faves, watches and kind comments, I'm REALLY flattered. I'm sorry to be very slow answering all messages and thanking you individually but lately I'm very very busy and I can't manage to follow dA as well.

Akeiron. Часть 2

Bestiary Opener
Bestiary Opener for Pathfinder, Carrion Crown 2: Trial of the
Beast. Done in December 2010.
© Paizo Publishing LLC, all rights reserved.
Akeiron. Часть 2


 Just a gnocca3

Akeiron. Часть 2

Just a gnocca2
Akeiron. Часть 2


Just a gnocca1

Akeiron. Часть 2


Common Magic
Chapter start for RuneQuest II, Italian Edition.
©2010 Asterion Press — All rights reserved

Akeiron. Часть 2

I know I know, it's way too similar to LOTR's Balrog… the description said:
«A huge demon, with magma-skin, emits smoke and flames from his whole body, with a fire tail, bat-like wings and aries horns with runes on them…»
Published on: «La Ruota del Fato», setting for RuneQuestII
©2010 Asterion Press — All rights reserved.

да, я тоже вначале подумала, что это он… 

Akeiron. Часть 2

Speedpainting. A dream I made some years ago. Moving to scraps later.

Да, прям там и называется:)
У меня одной такое ощущение, как будто большой улыбается?

Akeiron. Часть 2

Personaggio di D&D che ho realizzato per un amico. 
Carathril un tempo era un elfetto felice, ma dopo anni passati in mezzo ai drow che volevano eliminare i suoi «difetti» razziali, diventato una macchina stermina-drow (la pelle e le ossa di cui fatto il suo vestitino ne sono una testimonianza). E' un arciere eccezionale.
Anche per questo lavoro ho ricevuto importanti consigli da Emiliano Petrozzi 
il personaggio Carathril © di Alessandro Dicati.
A D&D PC I did for a friend of mine.
Carathril was a happy little elf, but after the years passed with drows who wanted to erase his racial «defects» he became a drow-slaughtering machine (skin and bones which his suit is made of are a testimony of this fact). He's an amazing archer.
For this piece I had some precious advices by Emiliano Petrozzi 
Carathril © Alessandro Dicati

Akeiron. Часть 2

Illustration for the Dragons'Lair Calendar 2010 [link]
Here is part of the painting process: [link]

Почему-то он мне очень понравился! Реальный такой…
Akeiron. Часть 2


Автор на дивиантаре: http://akeiron.deviantart.com/


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